Monday, April 27, 2009

In Case You Ever Wondered...

Having nine kids under the age of 10, seven of them being 4 and under is a BAD IDEA!
Trying to give them all baths, and have them in bed by 8:30, is crazy thinking.
Then after all nine are in bed cleaning the last thing you want to do.
Finally you collapse in bed, and your last thought is... I get to go back tomorrow sigh.


The Wolford Family said...

well the nice thing is you get to GO HOME and leave. In real NEVER ends and there is NEVER a break....EVER even in the shower. HA HA HA enjoy!!!

Morgan Hagey said...

Dude. At least they aren't yours. But that's what Sarah said...

BloggingBills said...

I hope you weren't alone. And ditto the sisters, at least they aren't yours. Sort of.