Friday, April 10, 2009

Sometimes People Surprise You...

On Wednesday I was supposed to work an 8 hour shift. This did not sound appealing due to my sore throat, pounding head ache and a strong desire to just go to bed. I was fortunate enough though that my 3 hour In-home got cancelled so I went to work and tried desperatly to not fall asleep while taking care of kids. At four (I still had an hour and a half of work) my "bad boss" came in to do some work in office. I secretly moaned to myself now I actually had to make it appear that I cared and was working. Despite the fact that there were toys everywhere dishes in the sink. etc. She poked her head in around 4:30 and said, I know you don't feel good, finish your paperwork and go home, oh and don't worry about flocking (it is our big Flamingo Festival fundraiser and Brian and I were supposed to move the flock of Flamingos to their new location that night) I'll take care of it. I was shocked. I had no choice I had to say yes. I tried to clean up a bit, seeing as how she is OCD and hates mess I could not leave with such a mess. She refused to let me finish and sent me home. Where I promptly went to bed and woke up for a total of an hour to pick Brian up from work and eat dinner that Brian made, then I went back to sleep and slept until ten the next morning. I woke up feeling much better. I was just amazed, usually she never takes shifts, usually she seems to be oblivous to anything going on... it really was surprising but much appreciated. It also made me feel slightly guilty for how much she drives me crazy sometimes... I should work on being nicer about her.


Erin said...

People are surprising...for example, my boss just announced we can all leave 3 hours early because it is good friday...who would have imagined?!

Alice said...

Wow...even "bad bosses" can be good sometimes. Glad you are feeling better. Maybe I will call you and set up a dinner date. We could do In and Out on Tuesday night. But maybe you are working...see this is why I need to just call or text you! Hope all is well.

BloggingBills said...

I know that most bosses are just people trying to make it in the world and sometimes really struggling also. So that's a nice break for you.

I want to do 'flocking' for a fund-raiser. Is it copyrighted or patented or whatever?