Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Sometimes I want to not go to math
Sometimes I cannot stay awake in math no matter how hard I try
Sometimes I wonder why I bother to study for hours for my math test
Sometimes I want to throw my math book at my teacher's head
Sometimes I want to pretend like it doesn't matter if I fail math
Sometimes I want to tell my math teacher EXACTLY what I think of her
But then...
I remember that I have to take math from the same teacher next semester
I remember that if I fail I will be a semester behind which we can't afford
I remember that if I study, then I have more justification for blaming my teacher when I fail said test
I remember that we only can miss 4 days until our final grade it dropped
I remember that I am narcoleptic
I come home and I eat ice cream
I come home and I scrub dishes to get out my frustration
I come home and watch a chick flick
I come home and am grateful that tomorrow I don't have to go to school
I come home and sleep
I come home and write a very long repetitive blog



Erin said...

Phooey on math.
:-) Semester's almost done! WOOT!

BloggingBills said...

Even when you're not in the best mood you're very creative. I enjoyed your thoughts, poetically expressed! Hang in there baby I can totally relate about the school deal! Much Love!

BloggingBills said...

Here's the deal baby. You go to a public university. They are required by law to provide accomodations to 'disabled students'. You qualify as a student with a learning difference (surely you know that by now.) So you get a dr's whatever and you can get permission to miss more classes, sleep through class, have help keeping you awake during tests, etc. whatever accomodations you deem necessary. The school is required to provide for diabled students. Your tax dollars at work. Capitalize on it!
Love ya,