Monday, September 28, 2009

1 year.

Wahoo! Brian and I have offically been married for 1 year! Crazy huh? And for our anniversary celebration we laid around the house. Brian finally went to the Dr. on friday after missing a week of work. He has a sinus and ear infection and bronchitis. Saturday I had to CPR/First Aid certify. I wasn't allowed to touch anyone or share anything because I am sick as well. We watched all of the show Firefly and many many movies. At least we could take turns getting more to drink, changing the movie, going to get dinner. Now the week has started again and Brian while still coughing seems to be feeling better and went back to work. I however, do not feel better if anything I feel worse and I have to work tonight. No one was willing to take or switch me shifts so Im off to work... 6 kids 2 one-year-olds 0-over the age of 5. All of them need baths and to be put to bed, and I have to clean. I am seriously debating what would happen if I just didn't show up, turned up my phone, locked my door and went to bed. Oh and if a thermometer tells you you have a body temperarture of 93.2 and then when you retake it 95.5 is it broken?

Monday, September 21, 2009


Sometimes I wish my week did not start with a Monday morning but if it didn't start with a Monday morning it would start with a Tuesday morning and this post would still exisist it would just be called Tuesdays...Regardless of what day it is that the week starts on it is inevitable to be a long day. Mornings are painful as we all know but that first morning of the week is the worst. It takes me til noon to feel like I am really getting started. I walk around in a daze from about 8-12. Well mostly I sit in a daze because I have class but really my brain just does not want to work on Monday mornings. I always seem hungrier, slower, and grumpier on Mondays. Maybe it is because Mondays are LONG 8 am-11:30 pm is a long day in my book. Maybe it is because I have weekend hangover (different from alcoholic hangover). Who knows but for some reason I struggle. However, somewhere in the daze that was today Math turned out to be the highlight (sickening I know). We took a "pretest" last week in my Math class it was the end of year 6th grade test that students take to determine 7th grade placement. 37 questions if you got 31 or more you dont have to take the final at the end of the semester. Well my teacher put the scores up. One person got a 37... I vaguely remember in my daze thinking that was not me I got a B in the math for elementary school teachers... math is not my strong subject. Well the next thing I know my professor has announced to the class while handing back the tests that I was one that got the 37. So no final for me! That helped the daze lift a little :-) Even though I wish my professor hadn't told the whole class...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Never Having Children

After this weekend I have vowed to never have children. I worked 8 hours yesterday and 8 hours today. We have 5 kids in 24 hour care right now... the 4 ages 3-8 are GREAT so cute and so well behaved. HOWEVER the one 1 year old not so great. It isn't her fault she has a cold. You can hear it when she breathes, plus she is getting 2 molars in one on each side her gums are huge and nothing seems to help. So she screams and fusses. She doesn't sleep through the night because of the pain and being sick so she is grumpy all day. She wants to be constantly held and sometimes still screams. I think to myself... I get to go home in a couple of hours but what if you were my kid and I couldn't go home and pass you off???? I would literally go crazy. I don't know how anyone does it. Seriously I HATE it when we have babies come in that are teething. And all babies do it, its not like my kids wouldn't. FINALLY I broke the rules I couldn't listen to her scream any more so I gave her infant tylenol and got 45 min of her sleeping to clean for the next person. We aren't supposed to give kids meds unless mom and dad bring it in with a note saying how much and how often. The problem is this baby is in state custody so no note from mom and dad for her. But she just kept screaming and shaking. And I was going CRAZY. I literally could not get her to be quiet for more than 5 min. So I have decided to never have kids. I have seen enough moms desperate and at their wits end. Enough overwhelmed moms who have disgusting houses because they are just too worn out to clean, and I do not do well when sleep deprived which is sort of how you live being a mom. I get grumpy and mean and completely irrational. so to avoid running the risk of being one of those moms I just won't have babies. We will adopt 3 year olds.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Panic Attack

So this afternoon (about 20 min ago) I went to the campus Wellness Center to make an appointment to get my Ritalin refilled. (Why they won't just do what every other Dr does and put on the prescription do not fill until... and give me 5 months at a time is beyond me). Anyway went to get my Ritalin only to find out that the Nurse Practicioner who can fill the Ritalin had a family emergency and will be gone ALL of next week. Problem I do not have enough Ritalin to get me through a week or even the weekend. The little Secretary did not believe me when I told her I could NOT function with out it. She just smiled that smile that says silly ADHD girl just deal. Except that I am NOT ADHD I am Narcoleptic and have class ALL DAY EVERYDAY... I seriously started to panic right there in the Wellness Center. They may as well have told me I had to have a shot. Just typing this tragic tale is making me shake and have difficulty breathing. Who knew that one little pill could have so much control. Now some of you may be saying to yourselves that I survived for 19 1/2 years I will survive 1 week. Except for 2 things... I slept through class ALOT and now that I am not used to being narcoleptic all the time I struggle with feeling constantly ill, shaky, and having killer headaches. Its going to be a long week. If you don't hear from me by the 16th I didn't survive...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kelsey LEE Bills

Kelsey Lee Bills is a different person than Kelsey Rae Bills (now Harris). However the State Department of Licencing that runs background checks failed to realize that we are different people. Therefore when work went to run my background check like they do every year the BCI came back rejected. Kelsey Lee Bills was convicted of theft last September in Sandy. Meanwhile Kelsey Rae Bills was sitting in class in Cedar City counting the days til she got married. Thankfully by boss is still going to let me work while we sort through this mess. I had to go do finger prints. I have to write an offical statement, I have to send copies of my drivers licence, social security card, birth certifcate, marriage certifacte, a new BCI, and the fingerprint cards. All to prove that my middle name is Rae and I have not been convincted of theft...