Monday, April 27, 2009

In Case You Ever Wondered...

Having nine kids under the age of 10, seven of them being 4 and under is a BAD IDEA!
Trying to give them all baths, and have them in bed by 8:30, is crazy thinking.
Then after all nine are in bed cleaning the last thing you want to do.
Finally you collapse in bed, and your last thought is... I get to go back tomorrow sigh.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

After a month of waiting....

My Praxis scores finally posted! I passed,(I got a 183) which is good because to retake them would have meant 80 dollars and not being able to take the test til June. I can now register for next semester and am one step closer to being done with school at least for a little bit.
Also it snowed in Cedar this morning, I woke up to snow and ice everywhere, it isn't a ton of snow and hopefully it will melt before I have to ride my bike to work, because our car is... STILL at the dealer. The dealer, who because they are so kind (eyeroll), is willing to pay 800 towards a new (technically used) engine for our car. The rest we have to pay. A car that they sold me with said engine problem that was "undectable" and now after 5 times at the dealer they suddenly found. BUT if we really don't want to pay to fix it, we can still drive the car but the engine will probably blow within six months, maybe if we're lucky it will make it a year. Here is what really gets me, Brian told them to give us 3,000 for the car, the value as is currently for a private sale. Then they can either a)put the $1,600 engine in the car, that has 30,000 less miles on it then the current engine and sell the car for $7000, still making a profit. or if they don't want to put the new engine in the car, scrap the car for parts, and since EVERYTHING works and we have had multiple parts replaced trying to get said car fixed they would probably still break even. GRRRRRRR

Monday, April 13, 2009


In order for my story to make sense you will need a little background information. As Wal-Mart started putting out their Easter section about 6 weeks ago. I declared to Brian that I love Easter, which I do. He informed me that he hated Easter and thought it was stupid that we use bunnies and eggs and what not as a way to celebrate the Resurrection. A few weeks later while once again walking past the Easter stuff I asked him if even though he hates Easter if we could still dye eggs. Being the sweet husband he is he agreed. But on one condition I had to explain why I loved Easter. I had to think about it... and I decided that in my mind I always associated Easter with Spring when everything is new, as I got older General Conference always seemed to fall around Easter and that is always motivation to get things in order, start again, reset those goals from January. Plus its just fun! We were supposed to go up north so I just sort of thought we would do Easter fun at Mom and Dad's but then we ended up not being able to go so I was a little disappointed. Anyway moving on.... So on Saturday we went to the grocery store and while there got egg dye. That evening we had to go to wal-mart and Brian informed me that I had to go away for a few min and he would meet me by the red box, he had to get a surprise. This happens between the two of us frequently and despite the fact that it would drive me crazy I agreed. We came home and dyed our nine little eggs, Brian was amazed that if you write on an egg with white crayon the writing shows up. :-). Sunday morning Brian informs me that the Easter Bunny has left me clues to my surprise and I have to find the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid. So I went on an Easter egg hunt. After finding all the eggs Brian tells me that the Bunny has left me my surprise by where one of the eggs was hidden which means I had to remember. In our stash of Wii games I found Wii Music! Which I have been talking about since it came out! You can play over 60 instruments! So that was our Easter, well more so my Easter but it was great! Here are pictures of Brian dying eggs and me with my surprise!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sometimes People Surprise You...

On Wednesday I was supposed to work an 8 hour shift. This did not sound appealing due to my sore throat, pounding head ache and a strong desire to just go to bed. I was fortunate enough though that my 3 hour In-home got cancelled so I went to work and tried desperatly to not fall asleep while taking care of kids. At four (I still had an hour and a half of work) my "bad boss" came in to do some work in office. I secretly moaned to myself now I actually had to make it appear that I cared and was working. Despite the fact that there were toys everywhere dishes in the sink. etc. She poked her head in around 4:30 and said, I know you don't feel good, finish your paperwork and go home, oh and don't worry about flocking (it is our big Flamingo Festival fundraiser and Brian and I were supposed to move the flock of Flamingos to their new location that night) I'll take care of it. I was shocked. I had no choice I had to say yes. I tried to clean up a bit, seeing as how she is OCD and hates mess I could not leave with such a mess. She refused to let me finish and sent me home. Where I promptly went to bed and woke up for a total of an hour to pick Brian up from work and eat dinner that Brian made, then I went back to sleep and slept until ten the next morning. I woke up feeling much better. I was just amazed, usually she never takes shifts, usually she seems to be oblivous to anything going on... it really was surprising but much appreciated. It also made me feel slightly guilty for how much she drives me crazy sometimes... I should work on being nicer about her.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Call...

I was laying in bed at 2:51 Utah time wondering why in the world I couldn't get to sleep. I finally decided to get up and go to the bathroom. I came back, layed back down and then my phone rang. As she had predicted weeks earlier and confirmed that afternoon, my sister's baby had decided to come at 3:00 in the morning. I woke up Brian to tell him that I was heading out to Vegas cause Morgan was in labor. This did not go over well, Brian a) was pretty sure I would fall asleep driving, and b) since we had to take the truck was convinced it would break down and I would be stranded in the desert and get picked up by some creep-o, making me a CSI case. So he decided to call out of work and drive down with me. Which was a good idea because about the time we hit Arizona I fell asleep. The truck ran perfectly, and we go there just in time, Henry and Spencer were still sleeping, but Oliver had just come. This meant that Brian missed all things labor related, which was his biggest concern about coming, having to be around when the baby was actually born in a tub of water and grossness, in the next room. We spent the day just hanging out. Morgan was under strict midwife orders to limit her movement so she directed traffic from the recliner while Derek and Brian got some much needed sleep. It was nice to have some sister time. She was sort of loopy cause of all the adrenline from having a baby, and I never did get her to take a decent nap but at least she got to just relax, and Im pretty sure Derek would not have made it all day he looked dead on his feet when I got there. It really was a pretty low key day. Henry and Spencer have horrible allergies so they were even super mellow. It was a good day overall, and Im glad we could be there to help.