Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bad idea...

When making a shake, do not put a metal spoon into the blender to push the ice cream down and stir while the blender is running. You end up with ice cream on the celing, the floor, the fridge, the oven, all over your face and in your hair, and you ruin the spoon (bad news because we only have 4 spoons).
To procrastinate your online Utah History class til there is are 5 weeks left in the semester and realize you have 5 chapters, 6 lectures, 5 quizzes, 4 tests, and 1 5-6 page paper due by May 1st. On top of all the end of the semester work for your other 4 classes.
Sitting down on the couch to eat lunch during your 30 min break when no one else is home and you haven't taken more Ritalin. This results in falling asleep and waking up at 2:45 (you were supposed to be back at work at 12:30).
Telling your good boss that the bad boss scheduled you the only weekend you asked off, before talking to the bad boss about it. The bad boss calls you and yells at you for going "over her head" and not talking to her, and making it seem like she was out to get you.
Blogging when you have class in 4 min and it will take you 10 to get to class


Erin said...

I hated Utah History. And, why on earth did you stick a spoon in the blender? Shake it! (as in rock it back and forth...).

BloggingBills said...

Sounds like life in college.
Sorry about the blender. Did it ruin the spoon?