Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I know I have been a horrible blogger lately. Somewhere between working 50 hrs a week and going to school full time that blogger got forgotten. Really nothing that exciting is happening. We are still trying to find a home for Marley, my schedule seems to keep getting busier only increasing the need for her to find a new family. We have posted an ad on KSL but no luck yet. If anyone knows anyone that wants a dog, she really is a good one...just a little needy. Lets see it was 4 degrees this morning in Cedar, and we have about 2 feet of snow on the ground... thats right Spring Break is next week and it feels more like December. And last in exciting news (as exciting as it can be when all you do it work and go to school) we bought a new kitchen table, I guess it would be a kitchen table set since it comes with 4 chairs. It was on sale at wal-mart and we had been thinking about getting it for a while so Brian spent last night putting it together which he loved.

1 comment:

BloggingBills said...

I thought you wanted the one from the Bass family. They are keeping it in the garage for you.