Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is Brian's birthday, sadly he works today from 1:30-10:00pm so it is limiting the amount of birthday fun that can be had. We were going to go out on Saturday but Marley was really sick so we stayed home. However so far today we had Lemon Poppyseed muffins for breakfast, and opened presents. Now I am going to attempt to make cheesecake so that tonight we can have that. Hopefully that cheesecake works... I will update later on how disasterous it was.


Erin said...

Happy Birthday to BRIAN!

Morgan Hagey said...

Happy Birthday Brian- I hope Marley doesn't eat/poop on/throw up on your shoes today!

BloggingBills said...

Happy BIrthday to Brian! I hope the cheesecake turned out. Erin probably helped with that!