Thursday, October 30, 2008

8:00 am

I would like to protest 8:00 am classes. I would like to protest when an 8:00 am class is the ONLY section of a REQUIRED class. I would like to protest that next semester I have an 8:00 am class EVERYDAY!. I would like to protest that one of 8:00 am classes is Math. I would like to protest that this Math class is taught by the same professor that teachers the math class I am in right now. I would like to protest her being the only one who teaches said math class. Heck, I am going to protest math. Now for many of you, those with children or jobs that require some travel, 8:00 am may not seem like a big deal. But when one does not ever get home from work until midnight. And one has a sleeping disorder, and one has recently started waking up at 2:00 am EVERY night. 8:00 am comes very early.
Other than sutpid Math, everything here in Cedar is going well. Much of the same but good. Tomorrow is Halloween and I will sit and watch Hocus Pocus and hand out candy to any children that may come. If not then I will just eat the candy. I would get chinese food but there is something about needing a debit card... which I can't find to pay for said chinese food. So I will be content with Hocus Pocus and candy. Well Im off to make cookie dough for work tonight.
Hope all is well, or getting better.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I am with you in your math protest. I, however, tried to get into 8:00am classes...I was useless in the afternoon! But, I can see how it would be difficult to function at 8:00am on only a few hours of sleep.