Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things I Secretly Love...

We all have those things that it seems like EVERYONE around us hates or maybe we say we hate ... but we secretly love them. I have decided to confess to those secret loves.
1: The Disney Channel-, yes this includes Hannah Montana and therefore Miley Cyrus.
2: Trashy magazines- Cosmo, People, US, you name it I love it.
3: Being sick- I know this one is weird, but every once in a while it is nice to have a day to moan and groan and watch seasons of The Office. Not a fake sick day, a real one. (And not in a creepy, psychological disorder. Just once a year)
4: Grading papers- Gives me something to do while I watch TV, which in turns keeps me awake during said TV. And I just think its fun.
5: Cleaning- I am not good at maintaining clean and organized but I love to get clean and organized. I love waking up on a Saturday after not doing any cleaning ALL week and spending all day cleaning up.
6: Speaking in Sacrament Meeting- I don't know why but I love writing talks, I love giving talks.

That's it for this addition of Confessions of a Mouse.


Morgan Hagey said...

I like giving talks. And as a mom to three, I LONG for a real live sick day. Sounds fantastic.

Megan said...

I like having a sick day too, but I don't get sick enough to have one very often, I also like to spend a day cleaning. I do not like to speak in church, that is a weird love. Fun post though. Love ya!

Erin said...

I would like to say that I called you but you never called me back. My feelings are hurt... (p.s. you graduate in 1 month! HOORAY! and, if you don't call me, we can't talk about your graduation present...hahaha)

BloggingBills said...

I love giving talks too. I hate sick days because no matter how sick you are, the next day you have to get up and deal with everything you didn't do and everything everyone else didn't do.

I also love meetings where I get to have a sub and still be in the school so I can check on the little darlings.


BloggingBills said...

I also love cleaning. As you know.

BloggingBills said...

But I also like making you clean too!

The Wolford Family said...

And I will always remeber the day when the Mouse frist declared: " I just love speaking in front of large groups!" And life was never the same after that. We're all up in Manila for Easter. Hope you are well sweet girl. We miss you!
Lots-O Love,
