Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The odds and ends.

I will start this post with complaining about the state of Utah. I just did my taxes and we own Utah 4.00. Seriously? I think this is a little silly. I would like to propose a compromise. Since ideally this next year my paychecks will come from the taxpayers. I as a teacher will buy 1 package of paper. This way the $4.00 of Utah tax money I would have used to buy paper will not be used and we'll call it even? Along those lines, I think it is silly that I don't get a tax break for being a teacher it seems as though I am almost paying part of my own salary... Just a thought. 3rd grade is going well. They like to push buttons and boundaries a bit more than 1st graders do but I like it. Im looking forward to long term subbing because the tests will be over and we can do science and other fun things that we dont do now. Currently we spend ALL day in literacy, math and 1 special (art, music, pe, etc). But I must go now. I have to run to Wal-mart and get things to be a pirate in tomorrows Character Education play. The theme is self-disciple. The counselor thought I was crazy when I told her the pirates (who are lazy and procrastinate) should sing We are the pirates who don't do anything...


Erin said...

Did you sing it?! That would be awesome!
I'm glad you like third grade...in other news, I finally found a midwife. It was a Monday Miracle. I'll have to tell you the story sometime...

BloggingBills said...

That would be so awesome! Of course, no one in Utah knows the pirates who don't do anything.

Dimples said...

Excuse me, I most certainly know "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" and I am most definitely in Utah. :)