Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back to Reality

Oh it was so nice, last week we ditched town Thursday night and spent Friday Saturday and Sunday with family. The girls all got to go out. Brian and I went over to some friends on Friday night and had dinner and played games. It was just nice to get to relax for a weekend with family. Of course that means that we see very little of conference because we get distracted and all day Sunday we were driving. But we recorded them and will make our way through them all eventually. And now it is Tuesday and coming back to Cedar and school and work seems to mean that I get to be sick...again or maybe still is the right word. All last week and over the weekend I felt so much better I really thought I had beaten this cold, however, apparently Sandy/Kaysville has a different cold virus than Cedar because I woke up yesterday feeling horrible and slept all this morning til I had class at 1. Thankfully though I have a wonderful husband who last night came to work and did all the cleaning for me. I was wiped out we had 3 more kids come into to overnight and they were way traumatized. They got there at 8 and it took a lot out of me having to physically restrain the 7 year old so she wouldn't run away... But I called Brian and he came. He played with the boys and cleaned the Kitchen and the toys he even hung out while I slept on the couch til 11 when I could go home. I really am lucky, he just came and got right to work and made me sit and do paperwork.

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a sweetheart! Thanks Brian, for making sure Kelsey got some rest! :-)