Saturday, October 17, 2009

A strong urge to burn everything!

No I have not become a pyro. We got a call on Friday from the foster mom of the hellian children. Apparently when she took the kids to the doctor, he found "the worst case of LICE" he'd ever seen on the girl. Live lice not the eggs which means they are brown. How did 13 adults miss a bunch of brown bugs crawling around in platinum blonde hair? Worse yet the doctor is saying there is no way that we all don't have lice... I wanted to vomit literally. I have been very proud of the fact that I have never had lice. Despite 2 friends having in in elementary school. So not bother to check or wait and see if little brown bugs begin crawling all over my head. We went and got the lice kit from wal-mart. We sprayed and washed everything! I washed my hair (twice) with the stupid shampoo. Even the dog got a bath and a wash with the shampoo. I figure better safe than sorry. Ugg...


The Wolford Family said...

kelsey I'm so sorry, that sucks. I had to have my hair washed with that stuff in 3rd grade. I cried the whole time. It's horrible...but better than lice!!!

Erin said...

Oh.Kirby. That is just awful. Good thinking to wash the dog too; have you boiled your hairbrush and washed all your sheets/towels etc... in hot water? Oh...this is just icky...

Morgan Hagey said...


BloggingBills said...

Hang in there sweet girl! It was good to hear from you today! Hope you have a good week now that all the little gross critters are gone!
Love ya lots!

BloggingBills said...

GROSS! I'm so sorry. You have to be super careful because in a few days you can find more, and more and more. UGH>