Saturday, August 29, 2009

Holding on by a thread

My poor laptop for 3 years it has be hauled to classes, work, roadtrips, etc. But he is tired and going much slower than he used to. He has requested that I have only 1 window open. Not a word document, music, and 4 tabs on the internet. He just can't keep up. I think he is grumpy. He used to be the smallest thing on the block now all the little ones are everywhere. I just keep telling him that he has a CD drive that they don't have. Sometimes that helps him keep going. I also remind him that I just need him to make it through 1 more year and not crash completly since he holds all of the documents for my portfolio. Hopefully he can hang in there.


Alice said...

Kelsey Dear: Please backup all those files on flash drives. If your laptop is being grumpy, that is definitely a sign that you should do some backing up of files. Don't lose that portfolio and all the hard work you put into it. Thanks for blogging. IT was fun to read!

BloggingBills said...

I agree with Alice Rita. We lost EVERYTHING on the laptop when the hard drive went to heaven. Not ONE THING WAS LEFT!

If you can't afford flashdrives, get a cheap online storage that backs up your data every night while you are asleep. About $5 per month. Then, when your hard drive dies you have your data.

Remember that commercial about the girl who's got her arm up to her elbow inside a cow's #(*%)? Her thesis was gone!


Dimples said...

I understand completely! We got our laptops at the same time, remember? Well mine, Top-Top, gave up the ghost at the end of last semester when it lost 11 pages of my final paper for my Critical Theory class. From this I have learned:
1. Save and Save often! My mom has been telling me this since I was 10-ish.
2. External Hard drives are only helpful if you SAVE your files to them (whilst writing the paper, I might add)
3. Don't call your boss while having an emotional break down about your lost paper. They will be frightened.

Needless to say, take warning from Top-Top and backup your files elsewhere!

Morgan Hagey said...


Love you. :)