Friday, February 6, 2009

Stupid People

Stupid people really bother me. Okay not all stupid people just certain stupid people. Mostly stupid people who are given any ounce of authority. Like take my English professor... we are supposed to be working on critically, and logically thinking about/discussing topics. Yesterday in class we were supposed to be having class discussion on certain topics. The first was if Torture should be allowed. I managed to keep my mouth closed while rather than non-biasedly leading a discussion our ex-marine teacher refused to hear any arguments against torture. I resisted the urge to play devils advocate. I didn't pull out the Law Dictionary definition of torture (yes i know it). I didn't whip out ex debate arguments. I sat on my hands. BUT the next topic was whether or not community service hours should be a requirement for college graduation. I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut... but I couldn't. Having been the student representive on the commitee that is trying to implement service learning at SUU, and for the statewide organization to promote service on college campuses, having read pages, and pages of research. I couldn't do it. I gave up raising my hand, I gave up letting my professor finish a sentence. The only thing I didn't give up doing was flowing. Which is basically a nerdy debate thing where you track your argument, and your opponents on paper so you know that you have defended all of your points and attacked theirs. Im sure my class thinks Im crazy. But my professor was being stupid. He had no real arguments and I thought it was ridiculous that he was facilitating the discussion but un able to keep his un-educated mouth shut.


Erin said...

Oh Kirby.
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby. Mayhaps we should have brought some tape, instead of just relying on sitting on our hands...Although, he did bring it on himself.

Dimples said...

Hahahaha, oh, Kelsey. I would have loved to see that.

BloggingBills said...

Wow Kelsey, you are a debating machine. You go girl! Did your professor survive the onslaught salvo?
Love you!