Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

I got on the Elliptical at the gym and watched as the news unfolded: A school shooting, 26 dead, Connecticut, Elementary School, Kindergarteners. As the news story continued to unfold through out the day I found myself attached to it. As a teacher I know what a school community is. I've been through the drills of what each class does if there is a threat in the school. I could see clearly what those classes would have been doing first thing in the morning. The atmosphere of the school ready for Christmas break. While the news story unfolded I watched as it all came crashing down. I've spent days thinking about what I would have done in the situation. Where could I have hid kids? What would I have in my classroom that I could use to stop someone? And 1 thing that is true of every teacher out there, no one would get near my students while I was physically capable of standing in their way.
Now almost a week later the world continues to spin as it always must do after a tragedy. It's easy to get angry or just forget. Instead, my awesome sisters proposed an idea to put some good back in the world that is filled with evil. Each of us is doing 28 Random Acts of Kindness. Little things to brighten people's day. Simple acts to remind people and ourselves that there is good in the world. Not only is there good but the history of the world has been written and good will prevail. That knowledge, knowing that those little kids and teachers were welcomed into the open arms of a loving Savior and that their families can find comfort through Him is what we need to win.
28 little things, not hard, time consuming, or expensive and each time I do one I think to myself, "Satan is a punk". Join us, spread some happiness, fight back, heal.

Facebook group: 28 Random Acts of Kindness

1 comment:

Morgan Hagey said...

fabulous. Satan is a punk indeed.