Sunday, December 16, 2012


Apparently, today is wear pants to church day. The Internet has been a buzz about this for several weeks. I've read the varying opinions and seen the Facebook comments. I know this is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. At the surface it seems a little silly making a big deal about pants. But I guess if we dig deeper its a problem that several women in the church confront. People I love and in my own family have struggled with women's role, sexism in the church, etc. I know my thoughts about this aren't profound or unique but I feel like I should throw in my 2 cents.
I want to start with saying that I was raised by the most amazing woman. As an adult now I give her a hard time about being crazy and we don't agree on everything but growing up she was a super hero. Now she's something better just my hero. I promise this has to do with women in the church. I grew up with a mom who could have been anything. She is a genius literally, not an exaggeration. Given everything she could have been I watched as she CHOSE to be a mom. If the smartest person I know chose and found joy in being a mom somewhere in my growing up brain that was a big deal. My mother is also a spiritual giant. She knows every book of scripture better than just about anyone. Not only does she know it but she loves it. So it is with her example that I grew up. She wasn't a passive part of our gospel centered home. I watched as she and my dad were truly partners. So with her example to try and live up to I have been blessed to love and understand the gospel including women's part in it.
Moving on, in high school I read a book called Defining Beauty. It was a book about the history and evolution of the beauty industry. In the introduction the author explains that 10 years before the book was published she started her research on a quest to expose the deeming and degrading nature of the beauty industry. 10 years later her view of feminism and women had changed. She realized that women's power comes for their femininity and by being different than men. When a woman try's to be a guy she looses her strength. This is stuck with me. Women and men are different, even outside of the church they are different. I choose to embrace the difference and being a girl. I know I'm a girlie girl, I love heels and dressing up. But I don't think that makes me less than a guy, less intelligent or weak.
I know that lots of women in the church feel as if their "different role" is actually a lesser role. I remember a great seminary teacher ( the best I had) once explained it like this Christ came to earth and did 3 major things: Organizing his church, the atonement and ressurrection to conquer spiritual and physical death, and ministering/caring for those in need. If we look at women's and men's roles. Each role of the Savior is given to each specific gender based on their uniqueness. Men are ordained to oversee the organization of the church and its ordinances. Women bring children into the world and nurture  them play a crucial role in the Plan of Salvation. In some small way women have a part to play in the atonement. And all of us are called to be disciples of Christ and minister to those in need. And one thing I have always loved is that as He hung on the cross Christ thinks of his mother and ensures that she is taken care of and the 1st person He appears to after being resurrected in Mary Magdolen. I believe Christ and Heavenly Father have a place for women in their hearts and church.
the gospel is perfect, LDS culture is not. In our current ward there are people in jeans, ACUs, tattoos up and down their arms, and no one blinks. Sometimes LDS culture gets in the way.
Lastly, I know that each of us has to come to understand our role in this life. Not just a male or female but as children of God. It's personal and different for each of us. I wish that we could all focus a bit more on the the central purpose of the Gospel. Christ came and dies for us so that we cw live together with our father in Heaven as families forever. Our role is to ultimately make that happen for ourselves, our families, and those around us. With everything horrible in the world going on perhaps the best way to find peace with who we are is put aside ourselves and get to work.
I not trying to offend anyone. I know this whole pants wearing lds feminist movement is a sensitive subject. But hopefully, we can all be understanding of each individuals personal struggles and be there and be Christ like.


Erin said...

You are awesome.That is all.

Megan said...

That was so beautifully written. You are great Kelsey!