Monday, April 19, 2010

Bad Night

For those of you who haven't heard, on Saturday evening Brian and I were walking Bella and she got hit by a truck. We rushed her to the vet, but as he started to look her over we realized that there was nothing we could do, her back right leg was completely shattered and would need to be amputated. Her lungs had blood in them, and when she breathed it sounded as if air was going where it shouldn't. The vet gave her a 30% chance to live, if he could get her stabilized and to St. George, the odds of her surviving the trip were worse. Also, the cost (with not payment plans available) was creeping towards the $3,000 mark. Brian and I decided that it would be best to put her down, and not make her continue to suffer.
We have only been able to find 1 picture of her. If anyone has any from Christmas or anything like that we would love a copy.


Megan said...

I'm so sorry Kelsey. She was such a sweet dog.

Dimples said...

Oh Kelsey, I'm so sorry.

BloggingBills said...

So sorry hon. I sent you an email to your hotmail. :) Love you.

Morgan Hagey said...

Morgan sent you an email to your hotmail account. Not mom. :)