Thursday, December 3, 2009

1st and 3rd Grade! FIRST GRADE! I thought I would be safe from the world of tears, and nose wiping, and dependency. Since I am not an early childhood emphisis and there are about a 9 in my class I thought for sure I wouldn't get 1st grade. But no I was wrong. And to be honest 1st graders scare me... 6th graders not a problem but 1st graders are so sticky. Teaching children to read completly baffles me and seems like an impossible task.
Moving on...
It is officially Christmas Season! But before going on about Christmas. Thanksgiving was great! I liked getting to spend sometime with Brian and then spending the weekend with family. Minus having to wear and itchy moo-moo getting to go through the temple with Caleb was awesome!
Now on to Christmas. Our tree went up the day after Thanksgiving. Tragically I went to Roberts and Christmas decorations were 50 % off. I had good self control and just bought candy canes to hang outside my door. They are super cute. I love Christmas time, and now that I am done with school for the semester Im hoping to get more into the Christmas mood. I haven't even listened to Forgotten Carols yet. But I have started one of my favorite part of Christmas which is getting to buy Brian Christmas presents. Silly I know but it really is one of the best things. And 1 more piece of good news Brian got the 24th-27th off so we will be up to see family for Christmas!
Hope everyone is getting into the Christmas Season!


BloggingBills said...

Oh baby, I am so happy for you. Could you get it any easier? I mean really, anything you want, I got or can get pronto.
You've got it made in the shade babe. FYI they are hiring a new 3rd grade teacher for the last half of the year at Renaissance. You should call and see if they'd hire you for an internship, half price and let it be your 'student teaching'. We'd have so much fun!

Erin said...

Kirby! That's great news. I'm kind of with you on the 1st graders though...they're practically still toddlers! But by 3rd they are starting to be more like people, so that's good! I'm so glad that you'll be able to see everyone over Christmas. :-) We're still trying to figure out what we are going to be able to do. :-( Well, I'm glad things are going well. :-)

Dimples said...

Kels, don't worry; I'll sit down with you and teach you phonetics. ;)

BloggingBills said...

We can also do spalding phonics if you'd like. You'll be able to spell everything.


Unknown said...


Not sure if you know who I am. I am Derek's sister.

Currently, my husband's sister is teaching 1st grade and my son is in 1st grade. It's an amazing year! Be excited about it. If you need tips or help, I can hook you up with my sister-in-law and she can give you pointers. She went from 2nd to 1st this year and it's a change even that far.
You could do it! You're awesome!