Monday, November 16, 2009

Too Busy to Blog.

I am now going to give you the Reader Digest version of what has been happening here in Cedar City. I am super busy with school and work so this may be the last post for a few weeks til I have time to resurface.
1: This last weekend Brian's parents came to stay. It is always nice to be with family but I am once again reminded that I did not get the entertaining gene, and by Sunday wanted everyone to go away. Nothing to do with who the company was, just the fact that I had company. We got a chance to see Kemille and the boys on Sunday as well. Fun for all!
2: Brian got the Team Lead position at Convergys we will be staying here next semester while I student teach
3: By little Brother got his mission call. Fortaleza Brazil! Very cool!
4: School is killing me. One of my professors just moved all of our due dates up a week to insure that we get everything back by the end of the semester. :-(
5: I had to take the Methods of Teaching Elementary School Praxis... I will be taking that one again since I am pretty sure I failed. I was the most horrible test I have ever taken and every person who told me "not to worry about it" was not being truthful with me!
6: I have a huge "Resource Toolkit" (aka annotated Bibliography) of 5 fiction books, 5 non fiction books, 10 websites, and 6 activities all related to the US Constitution due on Wednesday...
So I am off to do that!


Erin said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YAY BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also-I am really sorry about the PRAXIS. Sounds like it was very different than when I took it...BUT, I doubt it was as bad as you thought.
What kind of professor thinks it is okay to change due dates like that? If said professor didn't think he/she could finish her/his grading (AKA his/her JOB) before the end of the term, he/she ought to have eliminated or revised assignments. Sigh. You would think that a teacher of teachers would understand such things...

Dimples said...

Karen said the Math praxis was horrible too! Everything told her it was easy as well. I wonder if the praxis people felt very sadistic this year...

I thought you were moving up to Sandy? Where did you get placed for student teaching?

BloggingBills said...

I'm sorry baby. But you probably did okay on the PRaxis. Remember that we all thought we failed also and no one did.

Also, I think education classes are taught by sadists who say, "Hey, I had to work my tushie off on pointless assignments that have NOTHING to do with actual classroom teaching, so I'm going to make you miserable ALSO!" kind of like student docs having to work on call for 200 hours without sleep.

Yeah to Brian. It's more money, no move (which is expensive) and a chance to save up some for when you do have to move.

Anyway, I'd just turn in what I can get done and remind the prof that due dates are like the 10 commandments: etched in stone!

Hang in there baby. It gets much worse before it finally ends: student teaching is h-e-double hockey sticks, but it leads to a good end.

Love ya,