Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A very happy birthday!

Yesterday I didn't have to work which was really nice, and Brian for my birthday gave me strict instructions to go shopping... he knows me so well. So after lunch with Alli, I went and got a new shirt and jewlery. When Brian came home we had to make a detour to Wal-Mart for the third time... But I'll get to that part of my birthday later. Then Brian and I went to Pizza Factory, it has tasty bread sticks and the good ice. We went for a walk and had Strawberry shakes. Overall, it was a really good birthday, nice and relaxing. There was one minor hiccup caused by my stupidity. I went to Wal-Mart and bought earrings and a bracelet. My total was 8.48, I grabbed my receipt and went home. Brian got home from work and checked the bank account... a 108.48 charge had come through from wal-mart. I went to grab my receipt to show Brian I had not spent 108.48 at Wal-mart. But it wasn't my receipt... it was the girls in front of me. While I sat there very confused and baffled. Brian begins to explain to me what has happened, I ran the debit card, saw the receipt and grabbed it thinking I was done, but I didn't say no cash back. Someone had taken 100 from my account. So we go to WalMart, Brian explains to their security that we need them to look up the next transaction from the receipt I had, and they need to go watch their cameras to prove that someone after me had taken the hundred dollars. So we file a police report and go to dinner. The police called later that night to explain that a Wal Mart employee had grabbed the money, and taken it over to another employee explaining she had found it in the self check. Well watching the camera, there is a guy who overhears goes and gets his girlfriend who comes up to the employee all frantic and claims the money. Then they walk out of the store. Now all we can do is file with the bank as fraud and hope they put money back in our account...
The End
I really had a great day!

1 comment:

The Wolford Family said...

Wow fun wal-amrt story!! But I hope you still had a great day!!