Friday, December 5, 2008

The Growing Harris Family

So occasionally, okay more often then not, it seems that just when you have a life plan: i.e. finish school, have Brian finish school, get a house, have a baby etc etc. Your life plan changes, and what a week it causes. Admist studying for finals, I find myself constantly adding possible names to the list, going to EVERY store in Cedar City to compare prices for beds, material, toys, etc. figuring out where you're going to put the little bugger when she gets here. Discussions on how to raise the addition. All very complicated. But a blessing.

Because on Dec 10th, the Harris Family will add one more member. An adorable American Bulldog puppy. :-). She isn't completly American Bulldog, she is half Bulldog and half Austrialian Sheperd but she looks mostly Bulldog. But she is very sweet and low key. American Bulldogs are taller than English Bulldogs and less wrinkling. I think they look like big boxers. I will put up pictures as we get them. For now I have put the one up from the ad on KSL. And yes we know that dogs are a big commitment and cost money in vet bills etc... but we have crunched the numbers and are very excited. We are also taking suggestions for names. So contribute contribute.

This is her!

This is her Mom, what she will look like some day... except she has more brown than her mom.

Currently the leading name choices are Roxy and Marely. We think she needs a "tough girl" name cause she'll look pretty intimidating but be a sweetheart and spoiled if Brian gets his way. Her mom is a giant love junky, and American Bulldogs have really low key temperments.

More pictures to come!


BloggingBills said...

Are you out of your mind?


Erin said...

So cute! I don't think I could handle a puppy. I like my dogs potty trained. :-) I like the name Marley. Also, Peyton.

The Wolford Family said...

Is she coming for christmas in Vegas???

Morgan Hagey said...

I already voted for "Mohana" which as we all know is Johnny Lingo's wife's name. As in, "Mohana, you ugly!" But, really, she wasn't ugly. She was beautiful.

I truly do not know why this is even up for discussion. That puppy's name must be Mohana.

The end.

BloggingBills said...

I vote for Charlotte.

BloggingBills said...

Good thing for you she's a 'she'. If she was a 'he', she'd think , okay, 'he'd think' that the Christmas tree was indoor plumbing just for him. (Hey, Noah did!)

Derek said...

I think you should go with a name like Xena as in the warrior princess. Or maybe Ismarelda but call her Izz those sound tough to me.

Morgan Hagey said...

Xena? XENA? You are weird. Love, your wife.

BloggingBills said...

Talk to Lindsay about her puppy. She is seriously ticked off at Sky right now.

So tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Erin said...

You may NOT name the dog Charlotte. Sorry, but that is a person's name and If (that's a big if) I ever have a child, it is likely I will name her Charlotte. If the dog's name is Charlotte, that will be just silly. :-)