Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

We got a hamster. About Friday of last week Brian started talking about wanting a Gerbil, and we went to the best store and looked, debated getting a rabbit, and then I said lets sleep on in and if you still want a Gerbil we can go get one. We then went to a different pet store because their cages were cheaper but there were no Gerbils. So we got a hamster. His name is Rex and Molly loves him. She sits and watches him run around in his wheel, and tries to lick him. She actually did last night. Rex likes to climb the bars of his cage making his stomach very exposed to the dog sitting as close as dogly possible and she licked his stomach the funny thing was he didn't seem to mind. :-).
I was just attacked by a herd of elephants... I have tried for over 100 days of school to make them come in quietly, we have practiced and practiced but it still takes about 5 min for them to come in and settle down and work quietly. I have also learned that it is better to let them take 5 min to settle down than to try and get them to sit down and shut up right away, it seems to make the chaos last longer. So I just sit and watch as they all talk and just wait patiently knowing that eventually I will have fourth graders and not a herd of elephants.


Morgan Hagey said...

Welcome to the family, Rex. I like his name. :) Take a picture of Molly and he together.

Megan said...

Alex will Glad you updated.

BloggingBills said...

Ummm, pets. Sigh.