Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Whoever thought up the idea of year round schools was a genius! They should get some sort of metal or certificate. Seriously, I am not sure what I will do when the day inevitably comes that I have to teach on a traditional school shedule. Sure I went to school on a traditional schedule for 16 years of my life but now that I have had a taste of year-round I don't ever want to go back. Sure it is sort of tiring that every 9 weeks I have to take everything out of a classroom and move BUT this also prevents me from having piles of stuff build up everywhere. I have no idea how people have full time jobs, keep their house perfect and clean, cook dinner, workout, have hobbies, friends, get their hair cut and dyed and then add children into the mix. Seriously, as the piles of crap build in my house and as our extra bedroom gets more and more messy I just tell myself I'll take care of it when I'm off track. Yesterday, I finally rehighlighted my hair cause I was off-track. I may even have time to finish the book I started a year ago. Then I think well... even as a traditional teacher I would get June, July and August off that would be time to get all caught up. But how does the rest of the world do it? Really I can't imagine going to work 5 days a week, all the time. I would go crazy, the rest of my life other than work would fall apart.


Lesa said...

Are there actually people that do all that stuff? ;)

BloggingBills said...

Well, mostly we don't do it all and when summer comes, we really don't do it cuz we have 12 weeks and we'll 'get to it'. Witness our garage.

Alice said...

I will be thinking of you when I am sipping my Diet Coke on my lawn chair by the lake this summer. I am sure being off track is nice and year round school has its place, but I really do LOVE my summer. It is perfect because I can go and do for what seems like a LONG time. I am glad that you are enjoying year round though. Seems like it works well for you! :)