Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Murder, mystery, hobby

3 things to blog about today: Murder, Mystery, and Hobby

Our scene opens on a 24 year old female, home alone, in the shower. She is washing her long hair when suddenly there is a loud thud. Our heroine jumps, startled. She holds her breathe waiting for what she knows must be coming, the robber murderer responsible for the loud thud. A million things race through her mind, she doesn't have much to defend herself with. She isn't wearing any clothes that's gonna be embarrassing when the police find her, at least she's already shaved her legs. After what seems like forever there is no robber murderer coming and the house is quiet. She turns around in the shower  to find that the "robber murderer" is really the hanging shower caddy. It's slipped down  the shower head and landed with a bang.

We return to our 24 year old heroine, standing where ever girl hates to be...the scale. She looks down at the number and curses. THAT can not be the right number. Tragedy strikes again that afternoon at the Dr's office when the scale again reads THAT number. THAT number is bigger than any before it. THAT number she vowed would only be acceptable if pregnant. Which is not the case, again our heroine is NOT pregnant. So how did that number appear? She had worked hard for a year at the gym and was feeling good. Then she moved to Georgia and gained some of the weight back during the month of getting settled. But she was back at the gym. Her and her hubby were eating healthier than ever. She was drinking diet coke once a week. She wasn't eating ice cream, candy, processed foods, etc. So how was she continuing to gain weight? How could ones weight change increase by 15 lbs in 1 month? How does one gain back a years worth of fought of weight plus an extra 5lbs and still wear the same size pants?  To add to our mystery, she isn't the only victim. Her hubby has gained 25 lbs in 2 months. Works out 2x a day. And hasn't lost a single pound or inch. What, what could be doing it? A lack of elevation? No cafe rios? The weather? It remains an unsolved mystery...

We close today with a final glimpse of our lovely female as she starts to cook dinner. Something we would have rarely seen a year ago. Now we see it 4-5 days a week. She seems to love it. Trying new recipes. Having success. Getting excited. This could be the beginning of an exciting new chapter.

That concludes today's saga. Tune in next week for move adventures!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 in1 week.

I don't usually blog this often but since yesterday was so horrible, I'd figure I'd update. Yesterday when Brian got home from work, he and Jon ( aka Hunt who lives with us) went put to look at the Bronco. Brian went to show Jon how we had battery power but the car wouldn't start...well the Bronco started. After I and Brian tried multiple times through out the day to start it, it started right up like nothing was wrong. The boys think with so much humidity and a bit of a colder morning caused the problem. I think, divine intervention . Either way we'll replace the battery connectors for 10 dollars rather than the starter for 200. After having to have his bum swabbed yesterday, the Dr. called back and tomorrow Brian has to go to a gastroentology exam. Hopefully we can figure what is causing his weight gain, exhaustion, bloody poops, and as he puts it feeling like he isn't digesting anything, he says it just sits there. Who knows but at least they are doing something. I got to go to work today, so Tuesday is looking up.

Monday, October 1, 2012


If Sunday is supposed to be the Lord' Day, then Monday is Satan's Day. I hate Mondays! I try not to, when I was teaching I tried to have a good attitude about a fresh start and blah blah, but I always hate them. Today has reminded me why I HATE Mondays. Here's the play-by-play and it's only 3:00 pm. (Warning, this gets pretty long)

5:30 AM: Brian leaves for work, Brian comes back into our room to tell me the Bronco won't start (yes the same Bronco whose starter I replaced 2 months ago). He asks if I want to take him to work or if he should just take the car. Being 5:30 in the morning my brain thinks..I don't have any pants on, I can't take you to work without pants, so you'll have to take the car. Leaving me carless for the day.
6:30 AM: My phone rings for a sub job, being carless I don't take it.
8:30 AM: My phone rings for the SAME job (school starts at 8:30). I accidently accept the job and have to call the high school and tell them I can't actually come to sub.
9:00 AM: Sister Nelson texts me to remind me we are practicing the music for the fireside at 10:00.
10:00 AM: Walk to the church, and practice with Sister Nelson. During said practice I had to refrain from loosing my temper about 12 times, and resist the urge to throw the music at Sister Nelson and walking out. See, I don't have a piano, I have a keyboard, and playing on the keyboard is different than playing on the piano in the chapel. Also, 2 weeks ago I was handed a stack of 14 songs and told to learn them, but assured that whenever I wanted to get into the church to practice I could. Well I asked 3 times last week to get into the church and they couldn't let me in. So needless to say I am STILL learning these songs. Today she FINALLY told me which one I actually have to play vs the organist. Which helps, but then she decides that she is going to play piano teacher and play the keyboard with me while I play the piano and count out load, tell me to use less petal, faster, slower, etc etc. I had played the song 2 times before this morning. I finally just played the right hand and bit my tongue.
11:00: Brian calls me while practicing and asks me why the registration for the Eclipse is not in the car. I tell him I left it in there and I have no idea where it is. I go home to find the registration.
11:30: Find the registration, Brian comes home for lunch. He had a Dr's appointment today, because he doesn't make weight. He can pass his PT test but has gained 20 lbs back in a month, while working out 2x a day, and eating healthy. He is exhuasted all the time, the list of whats wrong goes on and on. Thyroid come to anyone elses mind? The Dr. informs him that there is nothing wrong with him, but he will take some blood just in case. Then he goes to report to Alpha battery where he was assigned 3 weeks ago. Well Bravo battery also had him on their list for the last 3 weeks. So he now has to inprocess into a different battery. The 1st sergent is pissed at him because he hasn't been there for 3 weeks (not his fault, he went where they told him). And informed him that rather than deploying in Feburary with everyone else who came from his AIT and after actually going to training the 1st sergent is pushing to send him in November. Without having trained with the rest of the unit, or on the weapon he would be using.
1:00: Brian takes the car back to work, here I sit carless. With a pregnant woman who moans and goans about every 30 seconds. Has been into the hospital/Dr. 4 times in 2 weeks because she "hurts". I have never been pregnant, but she has a little thing moving around in her and  its gonna hurt a lot more before its all done.
I think I'll go watch Vampire Diaries.