Friday, December 17, 2010

Tis' The Season...Maybe

It is December 17th, Christmas is in about a week and yet I am just not in the Christmas mood. We put up our Christmas Tree, stockings and nativity set, there are ornaments hanging from the ceiling in my classroom, we made Christmas cards, we read Christmas stories, I have planned our Christmas party, I have been Christmas shopping, and went to Forgotten Carols. BUT I am just not in a Christmas-y mood. Perhaps its because I am working until Wednesday the 22nd, or maybe its because I HATE the cold, snowy weather. But I am just not feeling very Christmas like. To me it seems like the older I am the more rushed Christmas is.


BloggingBills said...

Welcome to life as a grown-up. You will NEVER again feel ready for Christmas as long as you live.
Trust me.

lexi marie said...

I'm feeling the EXACT same way. It's a wee bit sad how the magic seems to fade as you get older... Just focus on Christ and it makes everything happy. :) Merry CHRISTmas.