Friday, November 25, 2011


On Tuesday I subbed in Kindergarten for a half day. This was a big step for me, as a general rule I avoid all things Kindergarten. I think that people who teach 5 year olds are going straight to Heaven. I was actually sort of nervous about dealing with 19 little tiny kids for 3 hours. But it was a lot of fun. It was a nice change from 5th graders. See in Kindergarten, I didn't have anyone argue with me, or with each other. They didn't feel the need to voice their opinion on everything. The math lesson was on the idea of more and fewer not exponents. I tied shoes and pushed kids on the swing and held hands while 1 little girl cried because the fire alarm scared her. I love my 5th graders, and the fact they have very distinct personalities and are starting to figure out the world. But 5th graders don't think I'm nearly as cool as the Kindergartens do. To a 5 year old, you can do no wrong. Teaching the little ones all day everyday would wear me out and not something I want to do. But every once in a while it is really fun.

1 comment:

BloggingBills said...

They are just tinier versions of my babies. I really love them because they are so ready to learn.