Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crate Training

I know I write about Marley a lot but she takes up a LOT of time. We are currently crate training and it seems to be going well, we have yet to actually lock her in her crate, we put her bed and toys and treats in the crate and just leave the door open. She seems to like it, and yesterday we were gone for three hours and we came home to her laying in her crate and a house not destroyed. There were no packing peanuts on the floor, the garabage had not been raided. It was lovely. Today we are going to trying closing the door while we are gone for very small amounts of time. Hopefully it helps. Have a good weekend everyone!


BloggingBills said...

Sounds like a terrific solution in progress for both you and her! Hope that when you lock the door it goes equally as well.

Love ya lots,


Morgan Hagey said...

Hallejuah! YAY!

Erin said...

I'm glad it's working! It's nice to come home to an un-destroyed house I am sure!

BloggingBills said...

Hope it succeeds. Change the wedding picture on your blog. You have grandmas who read it.