Thursday, February 27, 2014


I haven't written in a really long time. Several times I have thought about posting. I sort of skipped the holidays. I think there might be the annual Christmas draft on here somewhere, but for the most part life has been in a holding pattern for months. Brian is still in Georgia, I am still in Utah. It's not that nothing ever happens, there are times and thoughts that probably could be shared but mostly it's "that time of the year". Not the most wonderful time of year. No, if the the most wonderful time of year had an arch nemesis, February would be it. February is bleak, and frustrating, and exhausting. Just saying February sounds dreadful. Hallelujah this month has only 28 days. March will be better, it has to be better.I cross my fingers that ball is in motion again for Brian to get everything taken care of in Georgia so he can get out here finally!  Life will start to unthaw from the freeze that was February. SPRING IS COMING!