We've settled into our cute little house in Georgia. Life here is staring to take shape. We are making some good friends and getting to know the area. I have to play the piano for a fireside in October, except it's not a play the opening and closing song, it's a program with special musical numbers. Of course I agreed before knowing this...but too late now. We spent labor day weekend at Jacksonville beach. It was weird that in an hour we were in Florida at the beach. Florida seems like a fat away vacation destination, not a day trip. I love it!
Hinesville is a lot like Cedar City, scarily so. It has a Wal Mart and lots of fast food. You can get from one end of town to the other in 10 min. We're 45 min from a city with a Target.
We play deployment game, which means everyday Brian comes home from work with a different month of deployment. It goes from yes to no to maybe. So we wait and see ( Army's motto)! I finally decided I was going to put pictures up and unpack like we'll be here forever.
And we have discovered the reality that adoption is expensive. We've decided to start the process of adoption, we had always talked about going through the state to adopt because it's less expensive, and a lot of good kids wait in foster care for years to be adopted. Then we moved to Georgia. While its still less expensive here, it quickly gets complicated. In order for a child to be adopted through the state of Georgia they have to have been in foster care for 24 months or be special needs. Most of the kids are 8 or older, or severely handicapped. Both situations we have decided are not right for us right now. Maybe later in life but not right now. So lots of money is needed. We are looking into grants to help cover the costs. It may take awhile but the agency we found works with military families, will place children in another state so if we move we aren't starting completely over and is less expensive then most.