Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hash House A Go Go

Last night Morgan and Derek took Alice and I to Hash House a Go Go. I got a stuffed burger. 2 patties of meat with mashed potatoes and bacon in between them. It was the size of my head and I ate the WHOLE thing. Thats right! And I have pictures to prove it....


The food was amazing! Whoever thought to put REAL mashed potatoes in a burger was a genius.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I guess I should Blog...

Its been about month since I blogged. But recently I am not sure what to blog about. I live life by a routine currently. Wake up, go to school, go to work 2 days a week, or go home and ignore everything you could be doing like the dishes or laundry or homework, sleep, watch TV or Buffy. Answer my phone when it rings. Go hang out with people when they invite me (Id hate to seem anti-social even though I sort of want to be). Take the dog for a walk. Move from the couch to the bed about 1030. Sleep, repeat the next day.